Poor Clares of New Orleans (OSC)
St. Clare Monastery

Monastery garden

Intercessory Prayer
A big part of our ministry of prayer is to pray for the special needs of those who call or write us. All prayer intentions are recorded in a binder so that the sisters may remember these needs in their prayer. As we go throughout the day in a spirit of recollection, we often pause to reflect on these prayer needs, as we hold them in our hearts. If you would like to send a prayer request, you may use the Contact Us link to call, write, or email us with your needs.
Clare, the unworthy handmaid of Christ and the little plant of the most blessed Father Francis, promises obedience and reverence to the Lord Pope Innocent and his successors canonically elected, and to the Roman Church.
- Rule of St. Clare

We pray in particular for the needs of the Church, beginning with our Holy Father Pope Francis. We join Pope Francis in the hope that all of God's people will turn back to their Good Shepherd, who is overflowing with love and mercy for all.
Just as St. Clare and her sisters prayed for the very great needs of the Church of her day, and for the ministry of the Franciscan friars, we continue this ministry of prayer for the Church in our own day, for the bishops, priests, religious, and lay people in the various ministries to the People of God.
We have received many benefits from this city, and I know we should pray that God will protect it.
- St. Clare of Assisi to her sisters
We follow the example of St. Clare, who prayed for the welfare of the city of Assisi. The people of New Orleans have a great devotion to the Mother of God under the title of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. She is the patroness of the city and of the state of Louisiana, since it is through her intercession that the city was saved from destruction during the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. We also pray to her for help during times of bad weather and floods.
Archbishop Aymond has asked for prayers for the "new battle of New Orleans," against the violence, murders, and racism that are affecting our city. We join with the rest of the archdiocese in praying for Our Lady's intercession during these violent times.

I consider you a co-worker of God himself, and a support of the weak members of his ineffable body.
-3rd Letter of St. Clare to Agnes

Although St. Clare was enclosed in the monastery of San Damiano, she was very much aware of the sick and suffering of the world. In this age of mass communications, we instantly become aware of tragedies throughout the world - of wars, natural disasters, and tragic accidents. The sisters stay abreast of the news of the world through television, newspapers, and radio, so that we may include the poor and suffering in our daily prayers.
In particular, we pray for those victims of child abuse, human trafficing, and refugees who have been forced to leave their homeland. Please join us in prayer as we remember all of God's suffering children.