Poor Clares of New Orleans (OSC)
St. Clare Monastery

Monastery garden

The Poor Clares
The form of life of the Order of the Poor Sisters that Blessed Francis established is this: to observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, by living in obedience, without anything of one's own, and in chastity.
- The Rule of St. Clare
The Order of St. Clare, also know as the Poor Clares, was established in the year 1212 by St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. We are a contemplative Franciscan evangelical community.
We are contemplative because our ministry is prayer - prayer for the church and for the world.
We are part of the Franciscan family. Poor Clares are the Second Order of St. Francis, the contemplative women's branch of the Franciscans.
We are also evangelical because the basis of our rule is observing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We also observe the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
There are monsteries of Poor Clares throughout the world. Each monastery has a slightly different spirit, but we all follow the charism of St. Clare and St. Francis. Our monastery in New Orleans traces its origin directly to St. Clare's first monastery of San Damiano in Assisi.