Poor Clares of New Orleans (OSC)
St. Clare Monastery

Monastery garden

Vocations to
Our Community
Among the other gifts that we have received and continue to receive from our magnanimous Father of mercies and for which we must express the deepest thanks to our glorious God, there is our vocation, which the more perfect and greater it is, the more we are indebted to Him.
- Testament of St. Clare
Everybody has a vocation that is rooted in their baptism. If you feel a special calling to the contemplative life of the Franciscan Poor Clares, here are a few practical questions which will help you with your discernment:
Are you a Roman Catholic?
If you are a convert to Catholicism, have you been a practicing Catholic for at least two years?
Are you between the ages of 25 and 50 years old?
If you are not, don't stop here. Our community greets every inquirer with respect. Each vocation is unique.
Have you ever been married?
If so, what is your current marital state? Separated? Divorced? Widowed?
Has your marriage been annulled by the Church?
Have you ever been a member (Candidate, Postulant, Novice, Professed) of a Religious community?
Do any canonical bonds with this community still exist?
Do you have any children, parents, siblings, or others who are dependent upon you for care and/or financial support?
Do you have any outstanding debts or obligations which could not be settled if you applied to a religious community?
Are you in good mental and physical health?
If you have any health problems, would they be a source of difficulty to you or others in a religious community?
Please feel free to contact Sr. Julie, our vocation director, to discuss any of these questions.